About me

I am a PhD candidate at Tufts University studying Mechanical Engineering and a member of the Automated Systems and Robotics (ASAR) lab. My research involves improving the accuracy and interpretability of lidar systems in autonomous vehicles. I am particularly interested in probabilistic robotics, machine learning, and human-robot interaction. In my free time I enjoy mountain biking, tinkering with 3d printers, and taking pictures of my dog.

Selected Publications

Mitigating Shadows in Lidar Scan Matching using Spherical Voxels:

In this paper we propose an approach to mitigate shadowing errors in Lidar scan matching, by introducing a preprocessing step based on spherical gridding. Because the grid aligns with the Lidar beam, it is relatively easy to eliminate shadow edges which cause systematic errors in Lidar scan matching. As we show through simulation, our proposed algorithm provides better results than ground-plane removal, the most common existing strategy for shadow mitigation. Unlike ground plane removal, our method applies to arbitrary terrains (e.g. shadows on urban walls, shadows in hilly terrain) while retaining key Lidar points on the ground that are critical for estimating changes in height, pitch, and roll. Our preprocessing algorithm can be used with a range of scan-matching methods; however, for voxel-based scan matching methods, it provides additional benefits by reducing computation costs and more evenly distributing Lidar points among voxels.

Enhanced Laser-Scan Matching with Online Error Estimation for Highway and Tunnel Driving:

Lidar data can be used to generate point clouds for the navigation of autonomous vehicles or mobile robotics platforms. Scan matching, the process of estimating the rigid transformation that best aligns two point clouds, is the basis for lidar odometry, a form of dead reckoning. Lidar odometry is particularly useful when absolute sensors, like GPS, are not available. Here we propose the Iterative Closest Ellipsoidal Transform (ICET), a scan matching algorithm which provides two novel improvements over the current state-of-the-art Normal Distributions Transform (NDT). Like NDT, ICET decomposes lidar data into voxels and fits a Gaussian distribution to the points within each voxel. The first innovation of ICET reduces geometric ambiguity along large flat surfaces by suppressing the solution along those directions. The second innovation of ICET is to infer the output error covariance associated with the position and orientation transformation between successive point clouds; the error covariance is particularly useful when ICET is incorporated into a state-estimation routine such as an extended Kalman filter. We constructed a simulation to compare the performance of ICET and NDT in 2D space both with and without geometric ambiguity and found that ICET produces superior estimates while accurately predicting solution accuracy.